How to Nail your Work/Life Balance Resolutions

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As we step forward into 2021, many of us use the opportunity to make highly motivated resolutions. Generally focusing on life, work, relationships, and wellness, New Year's Resolutions give us the chance to jumpstart positive changes. A reoccurring resolution for many of us is the elusive work/life balancing act. Putting behind us a year that blurred the lines between work and home like never before, it's not uncommon to feel skeptical about some less-than-ideal habits that have crept into our daily lives.

5 Work/Life Balance Resolutions to Get Your New Year Started Right 

The key to success with work/life balance is like any other goal: create realistic expectations within a well-defined set of conditions, work hard and readjust as needed. Once you have a positive mental mindset to make some changes, your goals will seem much less daunting than they did before. Look at areas that you think are the biggest concern for you, or following along for our breakdown of 5 popular ways to regain work/life balance, inside and outside the office.

Stay Within Set Work Hours

Those working from home may find this boundary the most difficult to establish, but even those who keep in-person office hours will find their work slowly seeping into every area of their lives. This dynamic is due to several factors, not the least of which is how easy smartphone technology has made it for us to work from literally anywhere. While it may feel tempting to get caught up on a few e-mails before you go to sleep, you'll quickly find yourself firing off messages well past bedtime. Keep your phone outside of your bedroom, or at the very least, away from your nightside table.

Set manageable goals for the week

By setting weekly and daily goals and checking them off a tangible list, you're able to feel as if you've accomplished something, making it that much easier to shut down at the end of the day without feeling as much pressure to take work home with you. Making this list will also give you some peace of mind, reminding you that everything will get done at the designated time on your schedule so you can enjoy the rest of your day worry-free. 

Establish Boundaries with Coworkers

Can coworkers drop into your office any time, unannounced, and interrupt your workflow with their own problems and priorities? If you're working from home, do you accept work calls any time, day or night? If you answered yes to either of those questions, you might need to readdress boundaries. Many of us need uninterrupted concentration to get tasks accomplished. Establishing these boundaries will support your productivity, while clear communication with colleagues will ensure they respect your availability. For communication outside of working hours, encourage your coworkers to leave a message.

Take Care of Your Body

Caring for your body is a major component of maintaining a proper work/life balance. Your body and mind can only function at their peak performance when they are well-tended and cared for. Consider your sleep schedule, exercise routine, eating habits, and even your water intake. If you find that you're too busy with work to attend to your own self-care, it's probably time to rethink some of your priorities. 

Outsource Small Tasks

It's easy to assume personal responsibility for everything on your to-do list, but the truth is, many tasks can be outsourced or delegated to other team members or freelancers. The same goes for your home life. Make a list of your daily and weekly tasks, notating anything that is particularly time-consuming. Outsourcing your meals with delivery services or laundry pickup can free up time that is better spent on your mental health and wellbeing.